
Country and Planet Chapter 10

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“What do you mean Feli’s missing?!” Alfred screamed in the phone. Around him, the personifications clearly looked worried and Al definitely didn’t like the horrified expression on Arthur’s face, not one bit.

I mean he’s missing, America! I cannot sense him anywhere in his country. Not anywhere in mine either. Have you heard from him?” Ludwig asked.

“No not at all,” They all heard a rapid curse in German from the other side of the phone. “but we’ll start looking. Have you contacted the others about this?”

No, not yet. I contacted you first since you have the most connections to everyone but I will start to do it.” America felt something tap on his shoulder and saw Luna standing over his shoulder. She mouthed 'meeting' at him. A light bulb sprang a top Alfred's head.

"Yo Lud, we'll talk about Feli's disappearance at the meeting tomorrow but it'll be at noon instead of seven in the evening." Alfred said as Luna nodded.

"But what about Feliciano?!"

"Feli will be fine. He's dealt with this type of crap before and you know that.”


“Again, he will be fine. Put a little bit more faith in him, Ludwig."

"...Alright, I'll take your word for it."

"Great! Alright, hold up a sec." Alfred grabbed a pillow from who knows where and hastily placed it on the phone. He looked at Jupiter and Jupiter looked back curiously.

"Can we use your house, Jupiter?" Jupiter blinked and cocked his head to the side to signify 'why?'. "My house can't hold that many people. It could barely hold twenty of my... siblings?" Alfred scratched his head at that. "In one place. This place is gigantic. Do you have a room big enough for all of us?" Jupiter giggled weirdly and stared at Alfred intensely. Alfred shivered and everyone else felt sorry for the poor country.

"You underestimate the size of this house, little Mars." Jupiter smiled, pointedly ignoring the protest from Alfred about the nickname. "There is most definitely a room big enough. The problem is if Earth's children can find it." The smile on Jupiter's face went up a couple of notches on the creepy meter.

"If anything, we or Jupiter's moons could guide the way." Uranus said as Jupiter pouted since the aforementioned ice giant ruined his fun. "We know this place very well."

"It's settled then." Arthur nodded. "The meeting will be here at noon. Can you tell that to Ludwig?" Alfred nodded and removed the pillow from his phone.

"Ludwig, there's also been a change in venue. The new location's at..." As Alfred told Ludwig the location of Jupiter's house, everyone else began to layout what to do.

"Everyone here can stay over." Jupiter chimed. "Mars and Mercury can stay over as well."

"What about Pluto?" Arthur asked and everyone looked at him curiously. "Um, there is a personification for it, right?" The planets and star drew a blank before Sol suddenly wailed.

“What a terrible star I am!” he wailed before whipping out his phone. “I’ll call him right away!” With that, Sol dashed out of the room once more. Arthur felt the urge to facepalm while Alfred laughed under his breath.

“I’m guessing Pluto’s godchild is Matthew?” Arthur queried with a small smile. The other nodded and Arthur chuckled. As expected, I guess...

“You got all that, Lud? You know who you have to call?” he asked, turning his attention back on the phone while the others continued talking.

Yes, but you haven’t even given me an adre-

“Cool, thanks! Get here early tomorrow! Bye!”

WAIT-” Alfred hung up before Ludwig could finish. As he turned back to the group, Sol came back inside the room and was now looking satisfied with himself.

“So what’s the game plan guys?” Alfred looked at all the occupants in the room.

“Everyone here will stay over for the night.” Uranus explained. “Mars, Mercury, and Pluto are coming over as well.”

“Also.” Saturn intervened. “Any of the personifications who have a godchild will be expected to come as well.”

“We know that is a lot of people.” Venus stated. “Many of the stars have a godchild, so if all of them come, then it’ll be a completely full house. Who’s coming for the meeting?”

“Not as many people as before but still too many for my house.” Alfred replied. “It’s the rest of the G8 and China, along with Prussia, Hungary, Romano and Spain.” The celestial beings blinked, not understanding. “Ludwig, Kiku, Francis, Mattie, Yao, Gilbert, Elizabeta, Lovino and Antonio are coming too.”

“Alright.” Saturn looked at his fellow personifications. “Who’ll be asked to come?”

“The Sirius brothers, Gliese 581, and possibly Gliese 581g then.” Sol replied. “Both of the brothers raised Ludwig while Gliese 581 raised Antonio. Gliese 581g was the exoplanet Lovino bonded with. For Elizabeta and Gilbert, Lady Milky Way and Black Hole raised them respectively. Only we don’t know what goes on with Sagittarius A anymore and Lady Milky Way already has a busy agenda.” The others nodded and they sat there in awkward silence.

“Soooo,” Alfred drawled out. “what do we do now?” Jupiter stood up and everyone’s eyes followed him.

“I have to take you to your rooms.” the planet smiled. “Come along! Don’t get lost now~!”

“How encouraging.” Arthur muttered. Behind him, Uranus noticed Neptune look a tad disappointed.

"What's wrong, Neptune?" The older slowed his steps so that he was at the same pace as the younger. Neptune ran a hand through his bedheaded hair.

"It just that,” Neptune sighed. “Alfred didn’t mention Emil or Lukas. They might not be coming to the meeting.” Uranus stared at his brother unblinking. Then he put an arm around the younger’s shoulder.

“Don’t think they’re out just yet, Neptune. They’ll be here.”

“How do you know?”

“I just know.”

“...You’re weird.”

“I know.”


News of the meeting spread like wildfire through both the celestial beings and Earthly personifications. Those who weren’t invited eventually picked up word about the meeting. For the celestial beings, many of them were ecstatic to meet up with their godchildren after hundreds of years. Multiple times throughout the evening, Sol received calls from many of the stars of the universe. Unfortunate for them, they were declined since they didn’t get the invitation to go. Sol and the others just hoped that no sneaky stars were going to try to break their way in. For the countries, many of them thought it was an unimportant meeting so many ignored it. Many but not all.

Matthew Williams was at Iceland, Norway, and Denmark's house when his phone had rung. Why? Let's just say Mathias was ecstatic when he found it about Vinland and dragged the poor Canadian to the house. Matthew curiously looked at his phone before pulling it out and answering.


Canada, is that you?” Matthew blinked.

“Germany? What is it?” Matthew moved away from the table he was sitting at with Emil and Lukas, who were currently out getting drinks.

The meeting for tomorrow has been rescheduled.  It’s at noon instead of seven in the evening. You’re required to attend. Meet us at the next the fence that is near the Dead Sea.

“The meeting? The Dead Sea? Why?”

There is no time to fully explain. I haven’t told anyone what I will tell you right now. All I can tell you is that Feliciano has gone missing and we will discuss what to do tomorrow.“ Matthew's eyes widened.

“What?! But why not now?!” he exclaimed worriedly.

There is something else Alfred and apparently Arthur wish to discuss with us as well.” Ludwig sighed. “I can’t say any more right now. I expect to see you tomorrow. Farewell.” Ludwig hung up, leaving a worried Matthew. In came Lukas and Emil, the latter holding a tray with cups of hot chocolate. Emil noticed the Canadian’s worried expression.

“Is there something wrong?” Iceland asked as he sat across from Matthew. Lukas wordlessly sat next to him.

“It was a call from Ludwig,” Canada sighed and rubbed his temples, “Feliciano has gone missing.” Emil’s eyes widened while Lukas’s expression hardened. “He called to say that the meeting had changed venue and time. Apparently now it’s somewhere near the Dead Sea.”

“The Dead Sea?” Lukas’s eyes sparkled with recognition, which neither of the other nations caught. “Why there?”

“Ludwig didn’t tell me.” Matthew sighed again and crossed his arms. “I’m worried about this. Feliciano’s not one of the most powerful countries out there. He may be a country but compared to the rest of us he’s one of the weakest. I know the others would agree.” Emil stared at his cup of hot chocolate before his eyes drifted to Lukas. The Norwegian looked deep in thought, his head resting on intertwined fingers and his elbows were on the table.

“I’m guessing this rescheduled meeting is only for select persons only.” Lukas stated. “If it were for everyone, then it would have been sent to everyone through a mass text.”

“So we aren’t invited to the meeting when it involves a missing country?” Emil hissed and he looked to the side. “What’s wrong with them?” Lukas placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder to ease him. He then looked at Canada.

“Do you mind if we come with you?” Lukas asked, surprising the other two countries. “There’s something I want to investigate.”

“O-Of course!” Canada sputtered. “But you weren’t invited. You might get kicked out.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Lukas turned away from Matthew. “If Feliciano’s gone missing then they need as much help as they can get, invited or not.” Iceland nodded in agreement and stood up, Norway following closely. Without a word, Lukas stalked off to his room while Emil stayed to bid Matthew good night and to lead the Canadian to the room he was spending at for the night. Lukas’s eyes narrowed and he shut the door behind him. He walked towards his desk and opened a drawer. He stuffed his hand deep into the drawer before taking out a picture.

It was something given to him from a few years ago. It looked relatively modern but it really was multiple hundred years old. He wasn’t really one to keep pictures (that was Tino’s job) but this one picture was the one kept closest to his heart.

At first he hadn’t believed what the man at the Dead Sea said, that he actually had a mother and he missed his children. Lukas, like many other nations, settled with the fact that they didn’t have a mother or a father and was just one of those unexplainable magical entities. Then he spoke to the man at the Dead Sea, the man with the blue-green hair and blue eyes. Norway had found out about the planets, the stars, the universe as a whole and what it really was. It wasn’t only a vast expense of all matter, it was a community of personifications like the countries. And Norway knew the man wasn’t lying, for he was a man from his childhood.

Lukas sat on his bed and sighed. He stared at the picture with so much more expression than he usually showed. According to the man, it was a picture of Lukas as a little infant with his mother holding him. It was actually a painting, enhanced with magic to make it look like a picture. His mother looked nothing like him but he knew the brunette in the picture was indeed his mother.

“So, it’s finally time…” Lukas muttered. For us the reunite with them.

“Time for what?”

Lukas froze and slowly turned his body to see Mathias laying on his bed. The Dane was decked in red and white pajamas and didn’t seemed to be fazed by Lukas’s suddenly hostility.

“Hey Norge!” Denmark grinned up at him.

Norway nearly throttled the man right then and there.


Situated in Northern Canada, a certain planet-turned-dwarf-planet was  thinking about a phone call he had received earlier in the day from Sol. Pluto was in his bedroom, quietly gathering his things for a quick hop from north Canada to Jupiter’s house. But the call...


As the phone rang, there was chaos in the Pluto household. There may have only been six people in the household, but was enough to cause craziness.

“I got it!” Hydra zoomed from one of the hallways, dashing towards the only digital phone in the house. The moon was often the most 'manly' of the moons. He was a passive-aggressive who didn't usually try to get into people's business but often had the tendency to curse. Hydra was the accepter of challenges and if there's the accepter of challenges, there's the giver. As Hydra was on a set course for the phone, someone else had the same plans as he did.

“Oh no you don’t!” Styx screamed from Hydra’s left and nearly kicked the poor moon down. She was small but she was a force to be reckoned with. Naturally short tempered and feisty, Styx often went head to head with Hydra for even the simplest things. Why Hydra? She claims she wants to keep him on his toes. Not to mention the fact that he was the only one who didn’t look like a pacifist.

The two were head to head and with each step got closer to the phone. Within an arms length, they both reached for the phone and nearly touched it but Pluto walked in. He managed to swipe it from their hands with grace. The moons tumbled to the floor in a heap.

“Pluto! At least tell us when you’re going to freaking take it!” Styx hissed as she sat up. Hydra was still sprawled in a heap next to her. Pluto managed to stifle a laugh as he walked away from his moons to answer the call. He sincerely loved his moons, even if they keep appearing out of nowhere. Surrounding Styx and Hydra, Nix was glowing with that big sister glow before enveloping Styx in a surprise sister hug. As Styx struggled in Nix’s hug, Kerberos, ever the quiet one, helped Hydra from his sprawled out position before wordlessly hugging Nix's back. Charon had wrote on his board: [You have to be careful next time.] Hydra merely sighed and rolled his eyes, exasperated but smirked as he and the other guys watched Styx try to escape from what she called to be Nix’s ‘choke hold’. Even Kerberos wasn't fazed, his arms fastened around Nix. As all this happened, Pluto finally picked up the phone.

Pluto! Finally!"

“Hello Sol.” Pluto walked into the separate living room, blocking the sound his moons were making. “Is there anything you wanted?”

Yeah. Listen, it’s urgent. I need you and only you to get here as soon as possible. Like right this moment.

“What?” Pluto stood up and hastily made his way to his bedroom. “What’s so important that  I have to be there now?”

No time to talk, I have to get back. Get anything you need for several nights. Just get here as soon as you can, okay? We’ll explain everything when you get here.

“What? Sol!”

But the star hung up. Defeated, Pluto ran up the stairs to his room and began to gather all his things. However, his head was still trying to figure out what Sol meant.


Now back to the present, Pluto packed everything he need in several bags. He stood up in his room and was about to hop from here to Jupiter’s before he heard the door open. His moons were peeking in, wondering why Pluto was holed up in his room for so long.

“Ne Pluto-chan, where are you going?” Nix asked as the five moons filed into the room.

“Just some last minute business.” Pluto laughed nervously. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you guys.”

“Yeah, that wasn’t cool, Pluto.” Styx crossed her arms and frowned up at her dwarf planet.

[Just be safe, Pluto,] Charon  wrote on his board, [We can’t lose the one who feeds us.]

“Oh ha ha.” Pluto rolled his eyes playfully and the others laughed. “Just don’t blow up the house, alright?”

“What do you take us for?” Hydra asked, eyebrow raised and arms crossed. “We’ll try not to blow up the house.”

“You have my word.” Kerberos said, staring up at his planet. “I’ll watch over these idiots.”

“Who’re you calling an idiot, you-!”

“Let me give you a hug, Styx~!”


"I wanna hug pillow heaven big sis."

"Come here, Kerberos~!"


"Heh, Styx's in a sandwich."

"Shut up Hydra! I will throttle you when I get out!"


"Come back here, Charon! I'm gonna make you suffer with me!"

Pluto laughed heartily as he watched them interact. Styx was trapped between Kerberos and Nix while Charon had run away and Hydra was trying not to get dragged in. In spite of all this, Nix looked up at Pluto with a large smile.

"Have a safe trip, Pluto-chan~!" With one final laugh and wave, Pluto picked up his bags and disappeared…


...Only to appear in the room the celestials and nations were gathered in Jupiter’s house. And thus, he became utterly confused. Of the planets, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter looked absolutely fine, but Mars seemed to have blotted random sections of his hair grey, Saturn’s rings were breaking into tiny pieces, and Uranus’s and Neptune’s hair seemed to have been whipped into bedheaded messes. Not to mention the fact that Luna and Sol were talking to two nephews Pluto hasn’t seen in hundreds of years. Pluto promptly dropped all his things and gained the attention of the others around him. He was utterly shell shocked and ridiculously confused.

“What is going on here?!” Pluto shrieked and Sol laughed.

“You have a lot to catch up on, Pluto.”


I HAVE COME WITH CHAPTER 10! You guys have no idea how proud I am of myself! I've never gotten to a double digit chapter on the web!

So yeah, Chapter 10 is chock full of stuff. We go to back to the nations and celestials, Canada, Norway, and Iceland make their appearances, Norway apparently knows, and Pluto is finally introduced, along with his five sweet moons.

This is the longest chapter to date, standing at 2972 words. I have a feeling there'll be longer ones...

I almost forgot, I've got something to ask. Refer to the journal entry here.

:gallery: CHAPTER NAVIGATION:gallery:
 [IX] Out of Reach 
 [XI] Together :earth:
[Previous Chapters]


Planetary Moe by :iconrosel-d:

Story by :iconitalypastasauce:

Update: July 3, 2015
© 2014 - 2024 ItalyPastaSauce
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icecreamlover1111's avatar

I can feel the chaos erupting soon :XD: